
ChemSpec is DOW Distribution Partner for WALSRODER™ Product



ChemSpec, Ltd has entered in a distribution agreement with The DOW Chemical Company (DOW). ChemSpec is now DOW’s distribution partner for WALSRODER™ Nitrocellulose and WALSRODER™ NC-Chip products across United States.

09062017 Adobe stock image for wood/ink coatings 

09062017 Adobe stock image for wood/ink coatings 

WALSRODER Nitrocellulose and NC-Chips are derivatives of cellulose and commonly known as cellulose nitrate. These products are used in a wide array of coating applications, but are most commonly used as binders in printing ink and wood coating formulas. WALSRODER Nitrocellulose products come in a variety of options: such as high and low viscosity grades and dampened with isopropanol, ethanol, or water.  Further, WALSRODER NC-CHIPS come plasticized with phthalate-free plasticizers.

DOW is a publicly held chemical manufacturing and innovation firm with a presence in a vast array of manufacturing sectors across the globe. With a diverse group of over 53,000 employees internationally and 125 years of experience in science and innovation, DOW is the market leader in the chemical industry.

ChemSpec, a member of the Paris-based SAFIC-ALCAN family of companies, is a management-owned North American specialty chemical distributor, with offices both in the United States and Mexico.  ChemSpec supplies industrial additive products into the coating, adhesive / sealant, and elastomer (“C.A.S.E.”) compounding markets. ChemSpec also has a division dedicated to the distribution of specialty ingredients for cosmetics production. 

ChemSpec President, Dave Moreland, had this to say about the relationship:

ChemSpec is excited to be partnering with such a tremendously respected company such as Dow.  We feel that this relationship will enable us to move further into the inks and coatings manufacturing sectors, where we already have a growing presence with parts of our product portfolio. We are confident that we can grow DOW’s nitrocellulose-oriented business by leveraging our already-existing relationships domestically, and also internationally with the support of our parent SAFIC-ALCAN, to develop a greater understanding of these products.  Additionally, ChemSpec’s responsibility as DOW’s distributor is to widen the supply channel for small to medium sized manufacturing companies in that we will be holding stock for both the large user and also the small skid to drum customer.

 To contact ChemSpec for more information on these product lines, visit our partner page on our  website  or reach-out to your respective ChemSpec sales representative, or call us toll-free at 800-200-4753.